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This shop is not made for commercial purposes. The handicrafts that we bring back from Laos are produced by young girls from the LUANG PRABANG Center for the Deaf and Dumb. Sales of these items directly benefit the center. As for the other items in the shop, all profits are directly reinvested in the association's humanitarian projects. 

Buying on our shop means supporting us and helping us to develop our projects. We are counting on you and your generosity.

PEMM shop

Paintings of Laos

This series of tables was produced by Hélène BATELLIER, pediatrician worker at PEMM. Her humanitarian excursions result in a hauntingly picturesque reproduction of the landscapes she travels.

His paintings are currently on display, but if you are interested, you canclick here  to contact her.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

Chaîne de montagnes


4 Place St. Roch

42100 Saint-Etienne


Opening time :

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Tel: 09 81 36 40 54

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© Mekong Peoples and Mountains. Association law 1901.


Peuples et Montagnes du Mékong
Association de solidarité franco-laos

 09 81 36 40 54
4 Place Saint Roch 42100 Saint Etienne

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