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Mobile Boat Clinic

"Train, Support, Care"

These are the reasons why PEMM has chosen to carry out its actions in the medium and long term. Training and support are essential to increase the level of care, and therefore the lives of the populations treated. 

      The accompaniment


Accompaniment is the desire to assist our healthcare colleagues on a daily basis. It is not a question of doing things for them but of supporting them, advising them and providing them with more operational skills if necessary.


We are present in several dispensaries to participate in the improvement of health practices, the implementation of hygiene and sanitation campaigns or the search for a more rational organization of dispensaries.


These accompaniments allow us to assess the medical equipment needs of the dispensary (often devoid of the essentials) and to be at the heart of the local population. The hygiene campaigns in which we participate are often defined in partnership with the Chief of the village and the Director of the school.

Our teams of speakers are all recognized professionals who agree to share their experience with Lao health personnel. They are volunteers. All our training courses are translated into Lao, most often by interpreters who are themselves doctors.

Soutien du Fonds Canadien d'Initiative Locale


Cette mission a été rendue possible grâce au soutien essentiel du Fonds Canadien d'Initiative Locale. Le financement de ce fonds a permis d'augmenter l'impact du projet en fournissant un matériel médical de haute qualité. La collaboration avec le fonds a renforcé l'égalité d'accès aux soins dans des zones reculées, montrant comment les partenariats internationaux peuvent avoir un impact concret sur la vie des populations défavorisées.

      The accompaniment


Accompaniment is the desire to assist our healthcare colleagues on a daily basis. It is not a question of doing things for them but of supporting them, advising them and providing them with more operational skills if necessary.


We are present in several dispensaries to participate in the improvement of health practices, the implementation of hygiene and sanitation campaigns or the search for a more rational organization of dispensaries.


These accompaniments allow us to assess the medical equipment needs of the dispensary (often devoid of the essentials) and to be at the heart of the local population. The hygiene campaigns in which we participate are often defined in partnership with the Chief of the village and the Director of the school.

Our teams of speakers are all recognized professionals who agree to share their experience with Lao health personnel. They are volunteers. All our training courses are translated into Lao, most often by interpreters who are themselves doctors.

Peuples et Montagnes du Mékong
Association de solidarité franco-laos

 09 81 36 40 54
4 Place Saint Roch 42100 Saint Etienne

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