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Training and support

For 2022 we need your solidarity to finance our training. To find out a little more, watch our video and go to the pageHelloAsso



The association has signed a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Lao Ministry of Health. This is a contract that lists PEMM's intentions and will to act. Our training comes under this agreement, so we are authorized to intervene directly with hospitals.

We intervene at different levels of the health personnel organization chart and at the request of the provincial health director or the director of the district hospital:


  • We can intervene at the provincial level. These are specific training courses more particularly intended for doctors. For example, this can be training in cardiology, obstetrics, traumatology, ENT, etc.

  • We operate at the district level. These training courses are intended for doctors, midwives and nurses. This can be training on gynecology-obstetrics, paediatrics, the mother-child relationship or hygiene.

  • Finally, we intervene at the level of dispensaries, in support of health personnel. It is an act of support for the medical acts carried out within the framework of the dispensary. This can be training on hygiene, sanitation, care of children, newborns and first aid.

"Train, Support, Care"

These are the reasons why PEMM has chosen to carry out its actions in the medium and long term. Training and support are essential to increase the level of care, and therefore the lives of the populations treated. 

      The accompaniment


Accompaniment is the desire to assist our healthcare colleagues on a daily basis. It is not a question of doing things for them but of supporting them, advising them and providing them with more operational skills if necessary.


We are present in several dispensaries to participate in the improvement of health practices, the implementation of hygiene and sanitation campaigns or the search for a more rational organization of dispensaries.


These accompaniments allow us to assess the medical equipment needs of the dispensary (often devoid of the essentials) and to be at the heart of the local population. The hygiene campaigns in which we participate are often defined in partnership with the Chief of the village and the Director of the school.

Our teams of speakers are all recognized professionals who agree to share their experience with Lao health personnel. They are volunteers. All our training courses are translated into Lao, most often by interpreters who are themselves doctors.

Some numbers about 2023

    Some numbers about our impact in 2023 : 


- 8 training sessions conducted, involving a total of 119 healthcare beneficiaries (94 in training and 25 in support),


- Training sessions were hosted by 2 provincial hospitals, 4 district hospitals, and 5 health centers,


- Approximately 12,000 euros in medical equipment donations were mobilized to provide essential medical supplies and consumables,


- Two children with cleft palate underwent surgical intervention,


- Pediatric and ENT consultations were provided for newcomers at the Deaf and Mute Center of LUANG PRABANG, a committed partner alongside PEMM.

Doctors write mission evaluations detailing the program of their training, visits to dispensaries, and the medical equipment left on-site. Evaluation reports are accessible to sponsors of the training and members of the association.


As volunteers, our doctors cover their own expenses for missions. As members and volunteers of the association, their mission expenses are tax-deductible. We are in need of doctors from all specialties. If you are interested in learning more as a healthcare professional or wish to join us on a mission, you can contact us via email at or by phone at +33 (0)9 81 36 40 54.

Peuples et Montagnes du Mékong
Association de solidarité franco-laos

 09 81 36 40 54
4 Place Saint Roch 42100 Saint Etienne

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