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Medical volunteer

If you wish to apply, send your CV and a cover letter to the email address:


Peoples and Mountains of the Mekong does not intervene in an emergency. We choose to work in the medium and long term through specific medical training and local support for health personnel in Northern Laos. We speak to Laos doctors, nurses and midwives and we take into account the environment in which these people work. Thus, beyond training, we may be required either to provide a health area with drinking water and electricity or to build, as in NAMPHOUAN, an entire dispensary. Our interventions are always the subject of an agreement and are defined on the basis of clearly identified needs in close relation with the health officials of the Province of OUDOMXAY.


To meet these needs, we are constantly recruiting medical personnel with the capacity to:


To intervene with the Provincial Hospital on the basis of their specialties. In general, these interventions are aimed in particular at Lao doctors.


Intervene with district hospitals to offer training (5-day cycle) to doctors and nurses on non-exhaustive topics such as: Caregiver hygiene, gastroenterology, gyneco-obstetrics, pediatrics , cardiology (pathologies, deficiencies), degenerative diseases, traumas, inflammatory diseases, ENT (many deaf children among the Hmong, etc.) and ophthalmology. With a few exceptions, the levels of training observed are quite low.


To provide support in dispensaries to nurses, to support them in improving their skills. This is not about "  doing in their place " but about advising them whenever necessary. Interventions are naturally possible at their request.


To participate in awareness and hygiene improvement campaigns among local populations.


To be able to assess the needs of a dispensary so that they are better taken into account by the health authorities.

Peuples et Montagnes du Mékong
Association de solidarité franco-laos

 09 81 36 40 54
4 Place Saint Roch 42100 Saint Etienne

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