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corporate sponsorship

You are a company and you want to support the association? Several forms of sponsorship are then available to you.

L'argent don


Financial sponsorship is a form of donations made by companies to help associations and other organizations of general interest. The advantages of this formula are shared between the beneficiary organization and the sponsoring company. The latter is eligible for a tax exemption amounting to 60% of its taxes within the limit of 0.5% of annual turnover. The remainder can be carried over to the following 5 years.
Through sponsorship, companies can gain visibility on the events and missions of beneficiary organizations and at the same time contribute to a humanitarian cause. Peoples and Mountains of the Mekong remains available to participate with its donors in communication and promotion campaigns.

L'aide juridique


Skills sponsorship provides human and intellectual resources to beneficiary organisations. In this respect, the company mobilizes its volunteer employees to intervene during their working time within the framework of the association's activity to contribute their professional know-how. This form of donation can take the form of a service or a simple loan of labour. For the company, this can be a strategy for motivating employees and a form of recognition of their respective skills.
Peuples et Montagnes du Mékong needs the services of an accounting firm and skills in computer graphics and video.

Service de location de matériel chirurgi


An in-kind donation is the donation of a non-cash asset. Peoples and Mountains of the Mekong only accepts donations that contribute to the smooth running of our missions and work sites.
We need small medical equipment (easily transportable), dental campaign kits, administrative and computer equipment. Each donation is valued according to its use and is subject to a tax-deductible tax receipt.


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Peuples et Montagnes du Mékong
Association de solidarité franco-laos

 09 81 36 40 54
4 Place Saint Roch 42100 Saint Etienne

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